What is Chi Running
It the time of year when you get outside and enjoy mother nature. There might be a problem that you may not be prepared for that could be damaging to your health. I am talking about tick bites and Lyme Disease. Here is a good reference for what to do if you are bit. […]
If you’re just starting out learning ChiRunning/ChiWalking or working on improving your posture, walking backwards might be the ticket for you. Posture is so important to everything we do it life. Being out of alignment can lead to excessive wear on the part of the body that is carrying the most weight. Think about a […]
Do you find yourself not able to run as much as you like or can't quite get that one run in due to time constraints?  Here is a new blog from Danny Dreyer, founder of ChiRunning® to give you another option. Can 1-Minute Intervals Improve Your Health? - Chi Running