What is Chi Running
There is an adventure waiting for you if you just get out there. If you ever thought about trying something new with your running or perhaps you are thinking about becoming a runner. Maybe getting out of your comfort zone is where you should start. Trail running offers just that for most of us. But […]
If you were at an event watching runners pass by, how would you know if one of the runners was a ChiRunner? One of the biggest clues would be the runner's stride pattern. The normal runner runs with a pendular pattern meaning the rear foot pushes off from the toes and they swing their leg […]
If you’re just starting out learning ChiRunning/ChiWalking or working on improving your posture, walking backwards might be the ticket for you. Posture is so important to everything we do it life. Being out of alignment can lead to excessive wear on the part of the body that is carrying the most weight. Think about a […]