
Welcome to the Balanced N Motion Blog!  I am excited to introduce the walking/running communities of San Diego, the Inland Empire, the Temecula Valley, and the Coachella Valley to the revolutionary Chi Walking/Chi Running experience. In future blogs, I will update you with news from the Chi Living Community and help expand your knowledge of pain-free and energy-efficient walking and running.

All runners from time to time will experience a lack of motivation. How we go about reigniting the flame can be challenging. If you had been training for a longer race and now the race is over, you might feel that a break is appropriate.  But if several weeks go by and you are still […]
When I first read the Chi Running book I thought “this makes so much sense and I can get my body to make these changes in no time”. The concept was the easiest thing for me to pick up and instating focuses well not so much. I followed the recommendations and worked with each focus until […]
It’s been a while since I wrote my last blog as life happens and distractions arise. Recently due to the pandemic, I have rediscovered one of my favorite pastimes next to running which is horseback riding. Prior to the pandemic, I was always doing other things and just couldn’t seem to keep a regular schedule […]