Lessons Learned

When I first read the Chi Running book I thought “this makes so much sense and I can get my body to make these changes in no time”.

The concept was the easiest thing for me to pick up and instating focuses well not so much. I followed the recommendations and worked with each focus until I believed I was doing them correctly. The book recommended having someone video you, so you could be sure that what you sensed as correct was indeed just that. My first video horrified me because I truly felt that I was leaning from my ankles only to see I was bent at the waste. But what that video showed me was indeed how one perceives themselves is sometimes not even close to what you thought. But from viewing the videos of me running I progressed to a more efficient runner. I began to understand why Chi Running Instructors call it a practice. You see there is always room for improvement no matter how long you have been practicing running.

Prior to picking up Chi Running I never even thought about how I ran or for that matter how my breathing affected my ability to relax while running. Heck, for me it was about pulling as much ground underneath me and going as hard and fast as possible. The result the day after a race I would always be so sore. After learning to rewire my body and mind I have learned that if you just relax and fall from the ankles you actually will go faster and the day after a race you do not have tight muscles.

One thing I have also learned was there are different focuses to try to get your body in the correct form. So if one focuses does not seemed to be helping try another approach.

Just like a yogi and a martial art student, one must continue to work on improving their practice. With more practice you begin to understand that your limitations to improving are dependent upon how much you invest in yourself.

Learning to reprogram my running routine with focuses also began to transcended into my non running time. Checking in on my posture, breathing, walking, and just appreciating everything around me. Learning to truly let go and just relax helped me see new possibilities in my life.  Most mornings now I cannot wait to go out for a run because of the energy I feel post run revitalizes me. When was the last time you felt revitalized after a run?

I love the fact that every run offers me a chance to learn something new about me, running, and/or both. The mindful part of learning Chi Running I will admit did take diligence. I had never slowed my thought process down to concentrate on a single part of my body while working towards a bigger goal before. There were days that couldn't remember the focus while running even though I had planned it just prior to heading out the door.  Persistence became my friend eventual I could hold one focus, then two, and so on.

Of all of lessons I have learned I think the ones I will learn tomorrow or sometime in the future will continue to enlighten me to the endless possibilities of improving myself.

It the time of year when you get outside and enjoy mother nature. There might be a problem that you may not be prepared for that could be damaging to your health. I am talking about tick bites and Lyme Disease. Here is a good reference for what to do if you are bit. […]
Balancing while running is one of the four components of Chi Running. After instilling good posture, finding your balance as you lift your heels is crucial to having effortless leg movement. To find your balance you will need to “feel for” or in Chi terms, “Body Sense”, a mid-foot landing and not feel any muscle tightness […]
Running is not just for the young and middle-aged.  More and more seniors are starting or returning to running as a way to keep fit. A recent article even described a ninety year old marathoner who is setting world records for her age group.  The benefits of developing a healthy running program far outnumber the […]