What is Chi Running
Sometimes when I read fellow runners’ post on Facebook complaining about tight hip flexors and what they should do about them, I tend to wonder if they were ever shown what energy-efficient running truly looks like. I can only imagine they are lifting their knees with every step instead of bending their knees and I […]
Recently I was setting up a booth at an expo when I began thinking about how much work goes into planning an event. I wondered if race participants had any idea of how many planning hours and meetings were spent on making their race day possible. The amount of people and organizations that fretted over […]
When you go out for a run, do you think about what you’re doing?  Paying attention to how you move and making adjustments to help you be more efficient with your running technique would make you a mindful runner. So wouldn’t not paying attention to how you move make you a mindless runner? Chi runners […]