Alignment and Relaxation in ChiRunning® is where the rubber meets the road. Or should I say shoe meets the road? In order for the relaxation during running to happen you have to be properly aligned or your body will be holding tension somewhere. I prefer to think of it kind of like a car alignment. […]

As a ChiRunning® instructor I love it when we get reviews that attest to how we help folks transition from a heel-striker to a midfoot runner after attending a one-day workshop. Here is one that was recently posted in The Guardian  

As a runner who participates in various races throughout the year I thought about the recent events that occurred at the 5K in New Jersey and how fortunate everyone was that the race was having a late start. I wondered if in the future runners and walkers who participate in events would stop going to […]

Do you find yourself not able to run as much as you like or can’t quite get that one run in due to time constraints?  Here is a new blog from Danny Dreyer, founder of ChiRunning® to give you another option. Can 1-Minute Intervals Improve Your Health? – Chi Running

When you decide to run an event in the near future, do you look for a training plan to help you prepare for the event?  What are the things you feel your training plan must include in order for it to work for you? Number of running days a week, different types of runs, cross […]

When I first read the Chi Running book I thought “this makes so much sense and I can get my body to make these changes in no time”. The concept was the easiest thing for me to pick up and instating focuses well not so much. I followed the recommendations and worked with each focus until […]

Of all the Chi Running focuses the ones that contain directions to help keep your column are the most important to instate when beginning your practice. Your column is made up of your shoulders, hips, and ankles. When they are properly aligned you are in a position that will allow your leg muscles to relax. […]