Short on Time

Do you find yourself not able to run as much as you like or can't quite get that one run in due to time constraints?  Here is a new blog from Danny Dreyer, founder of ChiRunning® to give you another option.

Can 1-Minute Intervals Improve Your Health? - Chi Running

You’re on a run one beautiful morning, everything is going well. Around mile three you start to notice a different sensation in your (insert one of the following foot, knee, hip -you get the idea.) what do you do? Deny that there is anything happening and hope whatever it is will go away just like […]
What does the midfoot landing get you? Do you know when your foot makes first contact with the ground while you’re running? Most runners do not pay attention to how they run until they start experiencing discomfort. If you’re a conventional runner, chances are you are pushing off with your toes and throwing your leg […]
Running is not just for the young and middle-aged.  More and more seniors are starting or returning to running as a way to keep fit. A recent article even described a ninety year old marathoner who is setting world records for her age group.  The benefits of developing a healthy running program far outnumber the […]