Sitting Up In Your Chair

One of the first things you learn in Chi Running or Chi Walking is posture. Posture is the cornerstone and without it, you will be fighting gravity all the way down the road. You must remember that in order for you to move with gravity, your body must form a straight column from your ankles to your shoulders. If you are bent at the waist, the advantage of your lean is lost. Always remember the lean comes from your ankles.

Most people have a tendency to bend at their waist and many lead with their hips while their shoulders are bent backwards, forming a posture in the letter "S".  This poor posture actually works against gravity and reduces efficiency significantly.

To correct your posture and begin developing your cornerstone for Chi, try the following; Stand with both feet facing forward and feel for the crown of your head. The “crown” of your head is the flat spot toward the back of your head. Lift up from there like you’re a puppet on a string. If you're doing it correctly you will feel several things happen. First you will feel taller, your chin will drop down, you will feel your hips and shoulders come into alignment, and most importantly your will feel your core muscles begin to engage.

Chi runners refer to this as "sitting up in your chair". Practicing this while standing or sitting every day will help you work towards creating a proper and efficient running posture. Remember that people who Chi run are encouraged to think of it as a practice not unlike yoga or Tai Chi.

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