Reasons Why Folks Decide to Take A Chi Running Class

The number one response that I receive from a client when asked why they decided to learn Chi Running is they want to run without pain. Most folks find Chi Running by using a search engine and type in pain free running. I must admit that is how I learned about it.

Others are thinking about the long haul and are concerned that their joints might not be up to the task of continuing to run as they currently do.  They actually love running and want to be able to enjoy it for as long as life will allow it to be physically possible.

People who want to start running but are not wanting to start with bad habits and are looking for an easier way to run. They desire to not get injured or sidelined since they have decided to commit to a new exercise regime.

Sometimes people have signed up for a charity event in honor of a loved one. Because this event means a lot to them and they want to ensure that they are able to toe the line and complete the event.

Weight loss will play into some decisions to start running and they have found Chi Walk to Run program a great pathway to accomplish this goal. Learning to find the joy in an active healthy lifestyle sometimes is also mentioned.

Runners who have heard about letting gravity do the work, not their muscles and want to check it out for themselves.

Folks who have taken the time to research running styles and have found out what Chi Running offers. Running magazines are boasting about studies that are showing posture, shorter stride, and cadence are found to decrease injuries.  We have been instructing clients since 1999 on how utilize these items in their running practice.

Some people want to explore the mind and body aspects while running. While others choose to get out of their comfort zone and try something new.

We do get the clients who have been running for a while but are ready to go the distance and want to learn how to become truly efficient while going longer or even faster.

Some parents who share the joy of running with their children will register and attend with their child. Some of the teens are on cross country and/or track and are able to apply what they learn to improve their running practice.

No matter what your reason might be, the classes are taught to the level of the clients attending and are not strenuous. If you have an opportunity to attend a clinic or a workshop, I would encourage you to consider it.

Learning how to run efficiently and pain free while enjoying is possible.

One of the first things you learn in Chi Running or Chi Walking is posture. Posture is the cornerstone and without it, you will be fighting gravity all the way down the road. You must remember that in order for you to move with gravity, your body must form a straight column from your ankles […]
Recently I was setting up a booth at an expo when I began thinking about how much work goes into planning an event. I wondered if race participants had any idea of how many planning hours and meetings were spent on making their race day possible. The amount of people and organizations that fretted over […]
So maybe you’re interested in learning how to ChiRun or ChiWalk but not sure if a workshop is for you. If you have read the book(s) you probably have a basic concept of what you envision ChiRunning should look like. Most attendees have heard about it from a friend or read and/or heard about it […]