Focus On Chi

ChiRunning and ChiWalking are mindful practices in that they are learned from using focuses. The mind directs the body through the use of focuses. Habits are quickly learned by practicing them often, the more times you work with a focus, the body adapts to the desired change. An example of a focus is “lift from the crown”. In both ChiRunning and ChiWalking, good posture is required to develop efficient movement. By working on and off lifting from the crown helps the athlete to begin to implement the lengthening of the spine. We recommend lifting from the crown for a minute and then allowing the body to do whatever for a minute, repeating on /off throughout the workout.  Eventually, the athlete will be catching themselves out of posture and making the adjustment. The goal down the road is it will become a habit that they will not have to think about and the body just does it. Each week I will introduce a focus to work with for the week.  First Focus “Lift From the Crown of Your Head”

So maybe you’re interested in learning how to ChiRun or ChiWalk but not sure if a workshop is for you. If you have read the book(s) you probably have a basic concept of what you envision ChiRunning should look like. Most attendees have heard about it from a friend or read and/or heard about it […]
How to build a foundation from which a ChiRunning Habit will grow from. Checkout this blog from one of our European ChiRunning Instructors Building a Chi Running Habit - Chi Running UK & Ireland You want to change the way you run. You’ve read the book. You’ve done the workshop. Now how do you […]
Sometimes when I read fellow runners’ post on Facebook complaining about tight hip flexors and what they should do about them, I tend to wonder if they were ever shown what energy-efficient running truly looks like. I can only imagine they are lifting their knees with every step instead of bending their knees and I […]
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