Running is not just for the young and middle-aged.  More and more seniors are starting or returning to running as a way to keep fit. A recent article even described a ninety year old marathoner who is setting world records for her age group.  The benefits of developing a healthy running program far outnumber the […]

Most runners will get to a point on a run where they begin to doubt their body’s ability to continue and this self-doubt begins to eat at their ability to dig a little deeper to overcome this primal feeling. How we respond to this feeling could make the difference between quitting a planned long slow […]

When learning something new it is always important to approach it gradually so that you can become proficient. For example when learning to play an instrument, you begin with learning how to hold the instrument and then are taught a few notes to practice with.  As you practice those notes, they feel awkward at first […]

A lot of times when I meet people new to Chi Running I can’t but help noticing that when they run I can hear them coming by their foot steps. Through continuous practice of good posture, lifting from the crown of their head, and landing with a mid foot landing this heavy clomping sound soon […]

You’re on a run one beautiful morning, everything is going well. Around mile three you start to notice a different sensation in your (insert one of the following foot, knee, hip -you get the idea.) what do you do? Deny that there is anything happening and hope whatever it is will go away just like […]

Balancing while running is one of the four components of Chi Running. After instilling good posture, finding your balance as you lift your heels is crucial to having effortless leg movement. To find your balance you will need to “feel for” or in Chi terms, “Body Sense”, a mid-foot landing and not feel any muscle tightness […]