Aerobic Exercise
Learning to relax has been about the hardest focus I needed to learn while trying to develop my Chi Running skills. In a world that is instant satisfaction and sometimes very stressful you would think the chance to relax all your muscles except your core would be a great escape for most individuals. But after […]
You cannot stop time and one should always plan for the future. As humans, we are acutely aware that our bodies have limitations. Those limitations might increase as we age and possibly restrict us from doing the things we enjoy. Most folks will take out an insurance policy to protect themselves and their family in […]
Balancing while running is one of the four components of Chi Running. After instilling good posture, finding your balance as you lift your heels is crucial to having effortless leg movement. To find your balance you will need to “feel for” or in Chi terms, “Body Sense”, a mid-foot landing and not feel any muscle tightness […]