
You cannot stop time and one should always plan for the future. As humans, we are acutely aware that our bodies have limitations. Those limitations might increase as we age and possibly restrict us from doing the things we enjoy. Most folks will take out an insurance policy to protect themselves and their family in the event of an injury or illness. This could be considered being proactive, only wanting the best for our family and ourselves to continue living a productive life.

When you ask most runners how long do they plan to run for?  The answer is “as long as my body will let me”. When asked what they are doing to ensure that they can run long into their golden years, you might get a blank stare. You see most runners live in the present and are happy just to be able to run today. Tomorrow's run is not always guaranteed but what if there was a way to give you more years of running? Kind of like an insurance policy if you will. By paying attention to how you run, getting rid of unnecessary impact and keeping all moving parts properly aligned can substantially decrease wear and tear on the body.

Learning ChiRunning can be like subscribing to an insurance policy.

ChiRunning teaches you to listen to your body and how to correct the inefficient motion that can be slowing you down or even worse, causing discomfort or pain.

Are you in for the long haul or are you going without an insurance plan? If running is something you truly enjoy why not take out an insurance policy?

As a runner who participates in various races throughout the year I thought about the recent events that occurred at the 5K in New Jersey and how fortunate everyone was that the race was having a late start. I wondered if in the future runners and walkers who participate in events would stop going to […]
When I first started learning ChiRunning, I ran on streets and hard surfaces and concentrated on trying not to push off with my feet to move myself forward. This was particularly hard for me to let go of, for a lot years I was a sprinter and using my toes for propulsion was the key […]
When you decide to run an event in the near future, do you look for a training plan to help you prepare for the event?  What are the things you feel your training plan must include in order for it to work for you? Number of running days a week, different types of runs, cross […]