Short on Time

Do you find yourself not able to run as much as you like or can't quite get that one run in due to time constraints?  Here is a new blog from Danny Dreyer, founder of ChiRunning® to give you another option.

Can 1-Minute Intervals Improve Your Health? - Chi Running

Ever wish you had just a little more energy inside you?  Or how about when you’re running up a slope that just will not stop and your lungs feel like they have checked out. One of the latest hot subjects that most running related materials have been covering is using “breath work” for increased stamina. […]
Learning to relax has been about the hardest focus I needed to learn while trying to develop my Chi Running skills. In a world that is instant satisfaction and sometimes very stressful you would think the chance to relax all your muscles except your core would be a great escape for most individuals. But after […]
Running an organized event offers the participant many things. A chance to improve their performance record (PR), achieve a goal, get a T-shirt, a family fun day, ability to run in remembrance of a loved one, a goal to help shed some pounds, just to name a few. Sometimes the end of a race can […]