New Year A New Way

Well another year under wraps. Gifts have been purchased for everyone on your list. As you look towards the New Year think back over the previous year(s) and have you taken good care of yourself as you know you should? If the answer is “I just don't have the time, it is hard to stay motivated, I always seem to injure myself after a few weeks, and/or working out is hard work”, then maybe you’re going about it the wrong way. Every year we all say this year will be different and somewhere in the first few months we drop or hobble out of doing what's needs to be done to stay healthy. Maybe this year will be the year that you create a practice of taking care of yourself. The reason I called it a practice is we as humans do not always get things correct the first time.  For that matter it may take a lifetime for some things to evolve to being a habit or mastered.

When you first decide to begin to walk or run for a New Year resolution, have you devised a plan to implement the when, where and how into it. Remember, you already have a schedule that's called life, so you need to see when this activity will fit in. If you can manage 20-30 minutes for 3-4 days a week, that will give you a reasonable start in pursuing this goal of a healthier you. So now you must develop where this activity is to take place. If you live where weather could impact your decision to go outdoors, you might want to consider indoor gyms or purchasing appropriate clothing for inclement weather days. But remember, the idea is be comfortable so that you will continue exercising and not making excuses for not moving forward.

How you move makes a huge difference. Most people move by propelling themselves forward by using their muscles of the lower legs regardless of walking or running. All this muscle work being used causes discomfort and is at risk of being injured. Remember I said maybe you’re going about it all wrong?

What if I told you there is another way to move without a lot muscle usage and you could practice becoming efficient with it when you were not working out? ChiRunning and ChiWalking have been developed based on the central movement practices of Tai Chi. When you learn either you move from your center and allow gravity to assist in your forward movement. The muscle workload is shifted from your legs to your core muscles and who couldn't use stronger abdominal muscles? Learning to move from your center requires good posture which can be practiced throughout your day. If your posture is correct and your core is engaged your legs and arms are allowed to relax. Now doesn't that sound more appealing then pushing and pulling yourself around?

Just like Tai Chi, we encourage you to think of ChiRunning and ChiWalking as a practice. You will find there always ways to improve and become more efficient as you learn to connect your body with your mind.

No matter what you decide to do for your New Year’s resolution this year, try to set yourself up to succeed. If you miss a day it doesn't mean that you wait until next year to start again. If you do not feel like working out, give yourself 10-15 minutes of moving and you just might find your grove. Otherwise tomorrow is another day to try again. Just don't throw in the towel, it does get easier with every step forward towards a healthier you.

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As a Certified Chi Running Instructor I sometimes get asked how it is possible to run without using legs for propulsion. The answer lies in the balanced lean that is held in place by our core muscles engagement. Attached are four great exercises to help develop strong core muscles for minimal leg usage. Four core […]
Of all the Chi Running focuses the ones that contain directions to help keep your column are the most important to instate when beginning your practice. Your column is made up of your shoulders, hips, and ankles. When they are properly aligned you are in a position that will allow your leg muscles to relax. […]