How to Run Faster the Easy Way

Looking to gain a little more speed without using a lot of energy? Checkout this link to Danny Dreyer's recent Blog where he discusses 4 easy steps to increase your speed the Chi Running way.

What makes ChiRunning so different from conventional running is the technique based training. Learning to ChiRun with one focus at a time provides you a mindful practice and an efficient running form. First, by developing a connected posture line - the cornerstone to ChiRunning, allows for gravity to propel you forward with allot less leg […]
Is it just soreness or bad news muscle pain? Sometimes as we train it becomes difficult to distinguish between good muscle fatigue and overworked injury prone pain. Knowing the difference and when to reduce or take a break may be the difference between running for a lifetime and sitting on the sidelines. Here is a […]
Recently I was setting up a booth at an expo when I began thinking about how much work goes into planning an event. I wondered if race participants had any idea of how many planning hours and meetings were spent on making their race day possible. The amount of people and organizations that fretted over […]