How to Run Faster the Easy Way

Looking to gain a little more speed without using a lot of energy? Checkout this link to Danny Dreyer's recent Blog where he discusses 4 easy steps to increase your speed the Chi Running way.

Do you find yourself not able to run as much as you like or can't quite get that one run in due to time constraints?  Here is a new blog from Danny Dreyer, founder of ChiRunning® to give you another option. Can 1-Minute Intervals Improve Your Health? - Chi Running
There is an adventure waiting for you if you just get out there. If you ever thought about trying something new with your running or perhaps you are thinking about becoming a runner. Maybe getting out of your comfort zone is where you should start. Trail running offers just that for most of us. But […]
The number one response that I receive from a client when asked why they decided to learn Chi Running is they want to run without pain. Most folks find Chi Running by using a search engine and type in pain free running. I must admit that is how I learned about it. Others are thinking […]