ChiRunning Works!

As a ChiRunning® instructor I love it when we get reviews that attest to how we help folks transition from a heel-striker to a midfoot runner after attending a one-day workshop. Here is one that was recently posted in The Guardian


Is it just soreness or bad news muscle pain? Sometimes as we train it becomes difficult to distinguish between good muscle fatigue and overworked injury prone pain. Knowing the difference and when to reduce or take a break may be the difference between running for a lifetime and sitting on the sidelines. Here is a […]
How to build a foundation from which a ChiRunning Habit will grow from. Checkout this blog from one of our European ChiRunning Instructors Building a Chi Running Habit - Chi Running UK & Ireland You want to change the way you run. You’ve read the book. You’ve done the workshop. Now how do you […]
Welcome to the Balanced N Motion Blog!  I am excited to introduce the walking/running communities of San Diego, the Inland Empire, the Temecula Valley, and the Coachella Valley to the revolutionary Chi Walking/Chi Running experience. In future blogs, I will update you with news from the Chi Living Community and help expand your knowledge of […]